January 21, 2025


Health's Like Heaven.

Teachers, students react to Decatur Public Schools’ plan to return to in-person learning | Education

That’s also the way Scarlett Wells feels. Her three children, students at Montessori Academy for Peace, will remain in virtual learning, she said. She and two of the children have both had COVID-19 in spite of taking every precaution, with only daughter Kristal remaining negative. Wells herself is still not well even weeks later due to pre-existing conditions that made the virus hit her hard.

“The percentage of adults in our community who feel this virus isn’t serious prevails,” she said. “Too many kids returning to school are parented by adults who don’t respect the risk to my health as an immuno-compromised adult. I even asked my children’s opinion. Not one of them have a desire to return yet, and this viewpoint was solidified when one human exposed us to the virus unnecessarily.”

“Here’s my opinion,” said her son, Nik Weibull. “Even though some of me wants to go back, I don’t want the virus again. I want to stay safe and there’s other people who might die from the virus. I don’t want my friends to get sick.”

And Kristal, the only member of the family to escape contracting COVID-19, added, “Why would you go back when the virus is still going on and it’s the second wave now? I have no idea why anybody would do that.”

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