December 9, 2024


Health's Like Heaven.

One Small Change | Move 21 in 2021

Our healthy living series is BACK! This time we’re encouraging you to move for 21 minutes every day-you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Our healthy living series is BACK! We’re encouraging you to make one small change this month that will result in big benefits.

As we embark on 2021, we’re challenging you to move for 21 minutes 3 times a week. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

13 is ON YOUR SIDE with this insight from Valeo Training Founder Jessica Leupke.

“21 minutes disappears so quickly when we’re scrolling on our phones, lost in our favorite show or even just waiting for dinner to cook. What if we took those same 21 minute activities and replaced it with exercise? 

This week, find some pockets in your day to get some purposeful movement in – the kind where your heart pumps faster and it’s hard to hold a conversation. 

Doing this just 3 days per week will help your heart not have to work so hard to get oxygen and nutrients to your body, it can improve your mental health and it can give you more energy. 

So, this week, find the power in 21 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how it affects your whole day. #Move21in2021″

For more insights like these from Jessica, visit the Valeo website.

Make it easy to keep up to date with more stories like this. Download the 13 ON YOUR SIDE app now.

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