September 8, 2024


Health's Like Heaven.

Johnson Lane flood plan out for review

4 min read

Mud and debris flooded a Johnson Lane garage in July 2014. Work to reduce the effects of flash flooding in the Carson Valley neighborhood is under review.

Mud and debris flooded a Johnson Lane garage in July 2014. Work to reduce the effects of flash flooding in the Carson Valley neighborhood is under review.


Good Morning Johnson Laners,
By now we all have received or should have received the notice from BLM regarding the Johnson Lane Flood Mitigation Plan that is being considered. Basically, the BLM plans on paying the county to construct some catch basins around the area and above Romero Drive etc. Those basins are to help control the flow of water through the neighborhood so we do not experience the devastation that we did like the 2014 and 2015 flood season.
According to the notice, you have until Aug. 30 to review and comment back to the contact person with your opinion on the plan. Now most of you are not hydrologists and I know I certainly do not fall into that category, but you have practical experience in what has happened on your properties and in the area. It is my understanding this plan is only pertaining to the proposed catch basins themselves. It is not a plan to tear out everyone’s driveways and install 18-inch culverts.
You can find the full 325-page report and all the associated maps at
If you are a detail person, you are going to want to set aside several days to take your notes on pencil and a notepad. I just skimmed through it enough to know I am thankful I am not a hydrologist. In order to protect the innocent, I am leaving out the contact information in this article. You will find that information on the right side of the page but please don’t email them until you have read through the proposal. Please remember to be kind they are just doing their jobs.
The Johnson Lane Park is soon to have its very own set of swings! I was shocked to see the construction and the sign that said future home of swings. But I have always been a proponent of them. The county was very resistant to adding swings due to the number of teeth that have been lost throughout the generations. I think they got with the program and fully support them specially by putting a low brick wall between the grass and the swing set. We will see how long that little wall has for a life. I do know they are considering adding splash pads like the one in Minden Park to other area parks. The splash pad is a big hit just ask my wife. You will find her there on a Thursday or Friday after work.
All the classic car guys, there is a very nice 1957 Ford Ranchero for sale off Johnson Lane near the church. The restoration is excellent; it has a V8 4.6L conversion and is priced very reasonable. It would be an excellent entry in the upcoming Troop 33 and Troop 20 car show which will be held at Fuji Park on Aug. 14. You can register the day of the show. There will be two auctions, a food truck and some awesome legit old school trophies. All the proceeds go to sending local Boy Scouts to summer camp. It is a great little show and a good alternative the huge crowds at Hot August Nights. Just Google Carson Valley Boy Scouts. The first choice should be Troop 33 and there is a tab for the car show.
Finally, one last thought, I think you should make your own mind up about the vaccine. I would hope you choose to get it because it may keep you out of the hospital and still breathing. COVID-19 has some very bad post symptoms which may create cardio or neurological problems. You shouldn’t be pressured into it by political positioning, advertising or the push to wear a mask. If you do your research, you can then make an informed decision for you. Perhaps you have a medical reason or perhaps you don’t like that it hasn’t received final approval. Those are excellent points and I am here to tell you I support your decision regardless, just make sure it’s an informed decision and not some off the wall concept that keeps you from staying healthy. You are all parents or grandparents to someone, well hopefully you are, they deserve to have you in their lives just a bit longer.
Thank you for sharing a few moments with me. Please send any announcements or organization information to [email protected].

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