Get vaccinated to stop risk of an even deadlier COVID variant
8 min readDr. Anthony Fauci, America’s point man on infectious diseases, spoke with the USA TODAY Editorial Board on Friday about the latest coronavirus developments. Fauci, 80, has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.
Questions and answers have been edited for length and clarity.
Q. When you were with us last time you expressed frustration with people who were COVID deniers. How are you feeling about this hardcore recalcitrant group? Are you surprised at how big it is?
A. I’m fundamentally a very tolerant person and I accept and deal with people who are seemingly doing things that are really quite unreasonable. I don’t have negative feelings toward them. I feel badly for them that they are being misled. I don’t want to get into the politics, but sometimes you almost have to. It’s all part of this propagation of almost an alternative reality. It went back to the days when I was on the task force in the Trump administration, “This is going to go away. It doesn’t really exist; don’t worry about it.” It’s the same mentality, and I don’t want to kick the cages, but a night doesn’t go by when Fox News doesn’t say a lie about me. A day doesn’t go by that some congressman, some senator propagates something that is completely misleading and completely untrue. This is a dystopian world we’re living in. I worry less about me. I’m 80 years old; I’m doing the job I’ve been doing for the last 50 years, and I do a really good job of it. So in many respects it’s not impacting me. I worry more about our country than I do about people lying about me. So a little bit of a long-winded answer to how I feel, but I’d like to rescue those people from getting sick. I don’t want to get into their head and change their mind. I’m a physician. I’m a scientist. I’m not a politician. I don’t want to change them; I just don’t want them to get sick, and anything that I can do to prevent them from getting sick, I’ll do.
Q. How do we keep our children who are unvaccinated safe, particularly as they are heading back to schools?
A. There are two ways to do that. One is to surround the children with people who are vaccinated. Get as many teachers as possible vaccinated; get anybody who is anywhere near a child, in what should be the protected environment of a school, if they are eligible to be vaccinated, they should be vaccinated. Since you will not get 100% of those people vaccinated, that’s when you get into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that whether you’re vaccinated or not, the most important thing is to get the children back to school. We have 18 months of experience, not only in the United States but in other countries, that the detrimental effect on mental health, physical and social development of children is really devastating. Getting the people around the kids vaccinated isn’t all that difficult to me. It’s common sense, but getting everybody to wear a mask, you’re going to get pushback from that. Hence the anti-mask mandates that you’re seeing in certain states. My feeling is that I would rather have a child be a little bit uncomfortable with a mask on and be healthy, than a comfortable child without a mask in an (intensive care unit).
Dr. Fauci on back to school: ‘Anybody who is anywhere near a child … should be vaccinated’
Q. You brought up getting everybody in schools vaccinated to keep children safe. Some teachers’ unions, including the American Federation of Teachers, have come out against mandates for teachers to be vaccinated. Should there be a mandate that teachers and school staff must be vaccinated?
A. If you are in a position of being responsible for another person, be that the development of a child in a school or in my position as a physician who still sees patients, I have an obligation to do everything I can to keep the people for whom I am responsible safe and healthy. Therefore, I absolutely lean strongly toward when people are in those positions, if they don’t want to get vaccinated, I would mandate that they get vaccinated.
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Q. If we remain in this limbo of a partially vaccinated population, if things don’t improve, what happens?
A. Great question. When you get the overwhelming majority of the population vaccinated – and we don’t know what that threshold is – the virus will disappear, and then we won’t need to worry about it, at least in this country. If you don’t do that, you will get a smoldering level of infection that will just go right into the fall, get confused with influenza in the winter, and then come back again in the spring. Now for the unvaccinated who say I don’t really care, I’m young and healthy, if I get infected, it is true that, statistically, it is unlikely that you will have a serious outcome. If you were living in a vacuum, that would be fine, but you’re not living in a vacuum. You are living in a society. And if you become the vehicle for the virus to go from you to someone else to someone else, you are helping to propagate the virus. There’s a very firm tenet that a virus cannot mutate, unless it is replicating, and, if you allow the virus to freely replicate chronically in society, it will mutate. Now many mutations have no relevance functionally, but every once in a while you get a mutation like delta, where the mutations cause a variant. And the variant has a real functional consequence. With delta, we have a virus that spreads much more rapidly than the original alpha variant. What happens if over months and months and months you allow the virus to replicate, it is conceivable, not guaranteed, but conceivable, that we could get a variant that eludes the protection of the vaccine.
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Q. Can you give us some clarity about boosters? When we’re going to need them?
A. I break it down into the immune compromised, those who are transplant patients, those who are on cancer chemotherapy, and those who have autoimmune diseases that require immunosuppressive therapy. It is very clear today, not tomorrow or next week, it is very clear today that those people have never gotten an adequate response. We should be boosting them right now, and I know that sometimes rubs the (Food and Drug Administration) a little bit wrong, that I keep telling them what they should be doing. But they better move quickly to figure out a mechanism to get those people protected. Now, there’s another group of people who are not ill, but they are elderly or middle aged. It doesn’t look like we need to vaccinate with an additional shot the way we do with the immunocompromised, but it’s very clear that the durability (of the vaccine) is attenuated as you go on, with the elderly first and then others, sooner or later you’re going to likely need to give them an additional shot.
Q. Given the reality of where we are politically and socially in the United States, how long do you think this is going to go on?
A. How long is dependent on our country and on the world. You can’t separate the world from our country, unless we shut ourselves out, don’t let anybody in and don’t let anybody out. That’s not going to happen. So, let’s look at our own country. I believe, if the better angels of the people prevail, despite the sea of lies that we’re living in, that people say, “I’m seeing everybody around me get sick and dying. Let me just go ahead and get vaccinated,” if we can get an overwhelming proportion of the people vaccinated as a nation, then we will do very, very well. If we don’t get the rest of the world vaccinated within the next couple of years, you’re going to have the circulation of more mutations that will lead to variants, that will then come into the country, and then all of us who are protected against delta may not be protected against zaida. We have got to make sure that we play a major role in getting the world vaccinated, and thank goodness the administration has made that decision. We have half a billion doses going out, and we’ve already given 110 million doses to 60 countries, but we shouldn’t stop there. We need to increase the capacity of these companies that we’ve helped bankroll so that they can make enough doses for the developing world, because until we get people vaccinated throughout the world, we are never going to be completely safe.
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Q. We saw a massive shutdown early on in the pandemic. If we don’t get to the threshold of vaccinations, do you foresee us needing to do something as extreme as that?
A. The answer is no, I don’t. And let me explain why. Back in the day when we shut down, the rationale for shutting down was that the hospital system would not be able to handle the surge of cases. We have 70% of our adult population that has received at least a single dose; 85% of the elderly are vaccinated. So although you are going to see an increase in hospitalizations, on a national level you will not see an overwhelming of the hospital systems, because the more vulnerable are, relatively speaking, protected. What we are seeing, which is unnerving, is that given that the elderly are more protected than the youth, when you walk into a hospital what you’re going to see is a lot of young people, some of whom are seriously ill. But you’re not seeing an overwhelming, outstripping of the capability of the hospitals throughout the country. So for that reason I really don’t think we’re going to have to lock down.
Q. A question we’re seeing from vaccine refusers now is that since the delta variant can be spread by the vaccinated, why do they need to get vaccinated?
A. The reason that you get vaccinated is to save your life, not so that you can go around without wearing a mask. So please separate the two. Someone says, “Why should I get vaccinated?” Well, because we don’t want you to wind up in the ICU in a hospital, and I can guarantee you 99% that if you get vaccinated, you are not going to wind up in the ICU.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks COVID vaccine, mask mandates as delta spreads