February 7, 2025


Health's Like Heaven.

Dog Whisperer’s Cesar Milan’s Best Pet Training Advice From Instagram

His show may be over, but The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, isn’t done teaching you how to be a better pup parent with these essential training tips.

Cesar Millan’s hit show, The Dog Whisperer may have ended in 2012, but even though he’s no longer on National Geographic, he’s still rehabilitating dogs and training people on Instagram. The popular account is a treasure trove of invaluable tips to keep your fur babies happy and healthy, so for anyone whose New Year’s resolutions include a closer bond with your pup, Cesar Millan’s informative videos are the perfect place to start.

The Dog Whisperer ran from 2004 to 2012, and for eight years, the Emmy-nominated show exposed viewers from across the globe to Cesar Millan’s enormous expertise in dog training. Cesar developed a reputation for helping owners train and connect with even the most difficult of dogs, proving that no dog is a lost cause. Fans learned how to become pack leader and bring new stability and structure to their dog’s lives, in addition to watching Cesar’s helper dog, Daddy, be adorable. Many viewers found the show to be a valuable resource when it came to training their own dogs, and Cesar’s Instagram account is just as helpful.

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Related: What Happened To Cesar Millan After His Show Dog Whisperer Ended?

According to Cesar, communication is key — and not just any communication. The best way to form a connection with a dog is to communicate on their level and in a way that appeals to them. And when it comes to what appeals to a dog, the nose knows.“Dogs are born with nose open, 15 days later they open the eyes, 21 days later they open the ears,” Cesar comments, stressing that dogs learn with their nose, eyes, and ears, in that order. This comes into play when helping a dog learn its name. You first engage the nose with a tasty treat, then wait for your dog to make eye contact with you, and only then should you start saying your dog’s name. 

Another key factor in dog training, as well as keeping your pup balanced and healthy in general, is exercise. Often, dogs can seem more like sentient balls of energy than dogs, and that’s totally normal! But it can make life more difficult for you and the dog, even when it comes to basic tasks like getting your dog to listen to you. “If a dog doesn’t practice exercise, then he can’t really practice listening to you because his body is full of energy, so it’s impossible for a dog to want to listen to you,” Cesar says. Exercise and using up that extra energy is helpful in so many ways, especially during times that are stressful for your dog, like the Fourth of July. According to Cesar, to prevent dogs from getting spooked and running off, it’s important to give your pup plenty of exercise before the fireworks start, “that way instead of them choosing flight, they choose surrender and they stay at home in a resting state.”

Whether you’re looking to deepen your bond with your fur baby, or seeking to discourage unwanted or unhealthy behavior, Cesar advises that the most important things are connecting with your dog on their level and consistency. Taking time to build on your relationship with your pet is key—after all, why get a dog if you’re not looking to form that bond? It’s in this way that Cesar Millan’s Instagram is so helpful, because he’s simply the best at getting people to see life through their dog’s eyes (and nose and ears). 

Next: Cesar Millan & Nat Geo WILD Dog Tips For Barking, Bathing & Bedtime [EXCLUSIVE]

Source: Cesar Millan/Instagram

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