A Futuristic Look at the Food Industry In 2030
3 min readThe Climate change, population growth and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes will create a growing demand for meals that offer specific health benefits for diners, the report said. The decline of shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retail will transform restaurants into social targets. Weather changes will drive up food costs and cause disruption to agriculture and food distribution systems, it said.
What you eat, how you eat and what information you receive about your body will have to change dramatically over the next decade. According to Oregon State University’s David Stone, the world is changing because humans and the environment are healthier than ever.
What analytics say about the future?
Some significant trends can be predicted based on an analysis of the future of the food system and the food sector in 2030. With a growing world population, there will be greater demand for food in 2030. The way the food industry looks at young people can help predict demand. People like to say that they want to eat less sugar, but they find it hard to choose healthy food that tastes better. Research continues to show that price and taste balance things like sugar reduction in buying decisions.
Just as important as the political and regulatory functions of food will be the increasing importance of new technologies in societal issues such as sustainability, health and fair trade. Another aspect of the core trend is real food and local food. Both sides of food history, both linked, will be emotional and sensory. We know that there is the technology needed to revolutionize the food system. The problem is that it has developed in silos with limited integration. The fact is that there is very little innovation in the industry, and recent cases suggest that food shortages and hunger will not be an issue in decades to come.
Food futurologists predict a resurgence of ancient fruits and vegetables. They predict that the way we procure apples and fresh produce will change dramatically. Storage will be less of an issue than it is today, as people move to cities.
What is expected to change in future?
Governments, investors, and innovative agricultural technologies must work together to address food challenges. The food and beverage industry will not be resilient in the face of extreme obstacles and increasing situations. However, it is essential to solve many of the global challenges we face, and by 2030 we will see many fruits of its labor.
At the same time, ageing populations and individualization will require greater differentiation. It is likely that commodity crops such as maize, wheat, sugar and oil will continue to support the global food system but will be processed in a manner that is better for our health. These include enrichment and biofuel enrichment (nutrients that feed into the biology and production of food) and a significant reformulation of current foods to have fewer calories and more nutrients.
Transportation of foods in future
While full integration of driverless vehicles will take more than a decade, the rumble of these driverless robots and delivery vehicles is already being heard in the hospitality industry. Domino’s Pizza tested a self-driving robotic delivery vehicle earlier this year in Houston and the chain is contemplating full integration of driverless technology in the near future, while Uber Eats tested a food delivery drone this summer in San Diego and announced a partnership with Volvo to power self-driving SUVs.
In ten years’ time, the last stage of your food journey will be autonomous delivery. Autonomous vehicles will change the way people get their food, where they eat and where they all go.
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