For most people, birthdays are something to look forward to. And why not? Birthdays mean gifts, cake and celebrating with friends. Then you turn 40. All of a sudden, birthdays don’t seem so fun anymore. Here are 40 things that are tougher after you turn 40.
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1. Making new friends
In your teens, making friends is as easy as asking about the latest history assignment in class. But as people get older and more entrenched in their routines and responsibilities, opportunities to cultivate new friendships can often dry up. It is possible to meet new friends after 40, it just takes extra effort. Volunteer for a charitable organization, take an exercise class, say hello to the fellow humans at the dog park. Chances are others want to make friends too.
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2. Seeing your friends regularly
As people get older, priorities like work and family take precedence over hanging out with pals. While you may have had 20 or 30 people you would classify as friends in your younger days, that number drops steadily as the birthdays pile up. It’s easy to lose touch with friends—who has the time to get together anymore? But it’s worth carving out some special occasions to see the select few you really care about. It can stave off loneliness as you age.
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3. Losing weight
There’s no getting around it—our bodies change as we get older. We gain wrinkles, our hair starts to turn grey and our metabolism slows, making it harder to lose weight. We may have been able to scarf down fast food without consequence as a young person, but not anymore. It’s not impossible to lose weight over 40, but it takes discipline: eat less, move more and cut out the cupcakes (at least, most of the time).
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4. Finding time for yourself
Early in our lives, it’s all about self-exploration. We’re figuring out what we like to do, our interests and our passions. But as we age, all that fun stuff—hobbies, athletic pursuits, creative endeavours—often fall by the wayside. It’s important to find the time to pursue activities just for yourself. But first, you need to break free from being too busy—a task easier said than done!
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5. Recovering from an injury
Ever noticed how complaints about aching backs and sore knees seem to multiply after someone turns 40? It’s not just whining—it’s a real thing. Our bodies change after 40, including a decreased ability to bounce back from injuries. That’s why we need to take more care when engaging in exercise, and anticipate taking more time to recover from an injury than we may have in the past.
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6. Staying up all night
Remember the glorious days of staying up until you can see the sun peek over the horizon? There’s something delightfully decadent about partying all night. But for most people over 40, that kind of behaviour is a distant memory. And frankly, that’s probably for the best. Staying up late can be harmful to your health, from spiking your blood sugar to raising your chances of depression.
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7. Tolerating B.S.
When we’re young and insecure, we often put up with a lot more nonsense than we should: annoying co-workers; bullying bosses; offensive jokes; insensitive (so-called) friends. One of the benefits of getting older is an increased intolerance for putting up with guff. Sure, it can make you a less patient person, but calling people out on their nonsense can feel pretty empowering.
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8. Wearing high heels
Sorry to break it to you stiletto-loving gals, but high heels are bad for you. They put increased pressure on your spine, they throw off your balance and they can exacerbate any existing knee problems. When you’re 20, it doesn’t seem to matter. (What’s a little pain for a cute pair of Louboutins?) But after 40, wearing heels can feel like agony. Go flat, and you’ll never go back!
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9. Rocking new trends
Following fashion trends can be tricky at any age. You might end up investing in an expensive blouse or bustier that seems super-trendy one month and tacky the next. But when you are on the other side of 40, it can be tough to pull off youthful, of-the-moment styles and not seem too “extra.” Most of the time, though, you can pick up on new trends while still dressing for your age. It’s a matter of avoiding those impulse buys.
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10. Spending money frivolously
There is a thrill to throwing caution to the wind and dropping serious cash on a frivolous item. But when you’re facing bills, credit card debt, a mortgage and the many expenses of everyday life, it can be tough to allow yourself a splurge. There’s no doubt it’s prudent to save, but most experts will tell you it’s okay to have a little fun with your money once in a while.
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11. One-night-stands
You meet. You flirt. You “fling.” A no-strings-attached, one-night stand can be a ton of fun as long as both parties are on the same page. But while hooking up seemed easy at 20, after 40 it can seem unwise, a little desperate and way too much effort. Is it a good idea at your age? That’s up to each individual to decide. (No judgment here!)
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13. Going out every weekend
In those heady years post-high school, going out every weekend seems commonplace. Even mandatory! But later in life, the idea of “hitting the clubs” every Friday and Saturday night starts to lose its lustre. You’re tired after a busy week, you don’t want to spend a lot of money, and besides, doesn’t cuddling on the couch with some snacks and a movie sound pretty darn appealing?
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14. Eating well
You might think that eating healthy should be easier after 40. You should be more mature and ready to embrace kale and lentils, right? But eating healthy takes time and money! Taking hours to prepare a well-balanced, gourmet meal at home is doable in your laissez-faire 20s. But in your 40s, you’re probably rushing to grab an unhealthy bite between work and childcare duties. Check out this article for tips on eating healthy when you’re busy.
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15. Learning a new language
It’s true: little kids pick up new languages more easily than adults. And research has shown that if you want to sound like a native speaker, you’re more likely to succeed if you start before the age of 10. Researchers aren’t sure why older learners have a tougher time. But if you do want to become multilingual after 40, you might want to get started sooner rather than later.
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16. Travelling rough
Backpacking across Europe or South America seemed like such a great adventure as a young adult. Couch-surfing, hiking, staying in hostels—these were all great options when planning a trip. After 40? Not so much. There are many good reasons to keep travelling as you get older, but you’re probably going to want to modify your rough travel plans. Private bathrooms are good, and comfy beds too.
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17. Remembering names
One of the most frustrating things about getting older is when you start to forget things. Once you hit your 40s, having “senior moments,” when you blank on seemingly simple information, happens more and more. The names of acquaintances can be the first to go. Why? Turns out the brain struggles to retain random information, especially when you’re not particularly interested in someone.
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18. Swimsuit shopping
Unless you’re built like Rihanna or Channing Tatum, swimsuit shopping can be a challenge at any age. We’ve all been programmed to believe that bathing suits only look good on sexy bodies with “perfect” proportions. And as we age, things start to sag and pooch in unwelcome ways. You can survive swimsuit shopping after 40, though. It helps to remember that we’re all beautiful, at any age.
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19. Finding time for sex
Guess what? Sex can be amazing after 40, even better than when you’re a 20-something whippersnapper. You’ve got a better idea of what you like at that age, and you’re more likely to ask for it. Unfortunately, finding time for sex can be challenging when you and your partner are dealing with all the responsibilities that come with age. It’s worth it to make the time, though. Beds are for more than just sleeping in, you know!
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20. ‘Tying one on’
There was a time when you could have a few drinks (or one too many) and wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy. But hangovers are so much worse after the age of 40. And the consequences can be more than just a pounding headache: over-consumption of alcohol can have multiple negative health effects in your later years, from aging skin to lower fertility rates to higher risk of dementia.
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21. Throwing your cares to the wind
Sometimes it feels good to throw your hands up and say, “Who cares?” But why is that so hard as you get older? Perhaps it’s because things matter so much more after 40. Jobs, relationships, health, money—all the things that seemed fluid as a young person can seem “life-or-death” as a middle-aged person. But caring less about things can make you more productive. So consider shrugging next time you want to pull your hair out.
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22. Keeping up with current music
You used to be on the pulse of what’s hip and what’s cool. You were the first to introduce your friends to hot new tracks. Now all you do is listen to the hits of your high school years. Yikes! It’s easy to get into a music rut, but you should always be open to finding new music to love. After all, music is amazing for you. It boosts happiness, reduces pain, improves health and helps you sleep. Try sampling playlists from your music channel of choice. You never know what wonders you’re going to discover.
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23. Camping
As a kid, was there anything more fun than sleeping under the stars and roasting marshmallows over the fire? Some people retain their love of camping forever, but many find outdoor living no fun as they get older. Sleeping on the ground really sucks when you have a bad back. But if you want to give late-in-life camping a go, try these genius camping hacks to make the excursion a lot more pleasant.
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24. Shots
There was a time when taking a tequila shot with your pals might have seemed like a good plan. It can be confusing to know if (moderate) alcohol consumption is good or bad for you—the science seems to come down on both sides. But it’s safe to say that shots are never a good idea, especially if you’re over 40.
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25. Being spontaneous
For many people in their 40s, it’s all about the routine. Having a schedule and sticking to it can ensure that everything gets done in a timely manner and everyone in the family stays organized. But what about the joys of spontaneity? It can be hard to take a leap into the unknown, whether it’s taking an impromptu trip or indulging in some unexpected afternoon delight (woo!). It is possible to be more spontaneous and still stay on track. Just stay away from tipsy online shopping. Never a good idea.
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26. Finding a new job
Fifty years ago, most people hoped to find that perfect job in their 20s and then rise through the ranks until they retired. That kind of employment is rare these days, so most of us will find ourselves looking for a new position after 40. But finding a new job isn’t always easy in your 40s. You’re not the eager young hotshot straight out of biz school. Older job-hunters often make mistakes, such as not bringing their “A-game” to the interview or waiting for the phone to ring. And for goodness’ sake, update your LinkedIn page!
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27. Quitting a job
Age can also make us more complacent and reluctant to take a chance on quitting our job. It may be soul-sucking work and our boss might be awful, but we’re too worried we’ll never find a job again. Leaving a long-term job takes courage, especially if you are a woman. But taking that leap might lead to the career you always dreamed of. Before you quit, save some money, take some time to think about your next move and get networking!
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28. Finding a date
Finding love in the 2010s can be challenging, especially if you’re over 40. Perhaps you’ve just gotten out of a long-term relationship or marriage, and you’re new to concepts like online dating and “swiping left.” But there can be benefits to dating in your 40s. You’re (hopefully) financially independent, you’re comfortable in your own skin and you know what you like in a mate. Be confident. (And don’t be afraid to swipe right.)
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29. Ignoring your mortality
Young people feel immortal. That’s why they do crazy things like cliff-jumping and hitchhiking. But as we age, it’s harder to avoid that creeping anxiety about what comes at the end of life. People in their 40s start realizing they’re likely about halfway through their journeys, and it can be scary. But there are some who say thinking about death and mortality can make you appreciate life more.
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30. Living in the moment
The older we get, the more we have to ruminate about. We think about the past: What could I have done differently? Was he or she the one that got away? We also think about the future: How much will I have saved by retirement? What will my kids be like? After 40, it gets harder and harder to live in the moment. Memories can be wonderful and goal-setting is important. But we should never forget to just be.
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31. Getting rid of your stuff
The older we get, the more we collect. Living a “minimalist” lifestyle is a heck of a lot easier when you don’t own anything of value. During the frequent moves of our 20s, it’s wise to live out of a suitcase. But we usually start collecting stuff in our 30s. And by our 40s, we’ve hoarded furniture, clothing, keepsakes, tchotchkes. And we tell ourselves we need it all! Though it can sometimes be an emotional experience, purging yourself of unnecessary clutter feels great.
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32. Going to sleep with your makeup on
If you’ve ever worn makeup, odds are you know how it feels: you wake up with your mascara clumped, your eyeliner streaked and your foundation patchy. Carelessly going to sleep without removing your makeup doesn’t seem like such a big deal when you’re younger. But by the time you’re in your 40s, it seems unthinkable. And for good reason: your skin changes as you age. You get more dryness and less volume. Treating it well (like removing your makeup at the end of the day) will help fend off the ravages of time.
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33. Playing sports with younger people
You may have been a baller in your 20s. That doesn’t mean you can play with the kids when you’re in your 40s. With the popularity of TV shows like American Ninja Warrior and endurance events like Tough Mudder, we’re exposed to older athletes pushing the boundaries of their abilities well into middle age. But overdoing it can lead to major injuries, and you’ll be less able to recover from those injuries. Adequate stretching and warm-ups are key if you do high-impact sports. Or, you could just take up golf.
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34. Hanging out in a loud bar
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35. Drinking crappy wine/beer
There was a time when the best alcohol choice was the cheapest. Crappy box wine or sub-standard beer was just fine, as long as it provided a buzz. But after hitting 40, that kind of libation just won’t do. It’s worth it to invest in a good bottle of merlot or a tasty craft beer. And even if you don’t know anything about wine, it’s easy to pick out a quality bottle. Best tip? Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations at your local wine shop.
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36. Caring for your parents
As we age, so do our parents. And by the time you hit your prime money-making, kid-raising years, your parents are often starting to run into health issues. Caring for your aging parents can be difficult, both from a financial and emotional perspective. The sudden turnabout—instead of them looking after you, you’re looking after them—can be upsetting and awkward, and the time commitment can be substantial. But it can also be rewarding if you approach it in the right way.
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38. Chilling out
Most 40-somethings spend a lot of time doing things: working, cleaning, driving, child-rearing, shopping, exercising, preparing meals. But how much time do they spend just chilling out? It can be tough to unwind when you’re consumed by how much needs to be done, but it’s important to sometimes just let go. Relaxation is underrated.
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39. Moving
Moving is as simple as packing a bag when you’re young. But when you’ve become entrenched in a home and a neighbourhood, moving seems a lot more difficult. You find yourself wondering: is it really worth the hassle? A fresh start can be healthy, but there’s something to be said for familiarity too. If you do decide to take the plunge, be sure you keep these things in mind.
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40. Breaking up
Long-term relationships can carry a lot of baggage, from shared homes to shared businesses to close bonds with your in-laws. That makes breaking up a lot more difficult than it is when you’re young. But how do you know when it’s time to go? As the Roxette song says, “Listen to your heart,” and don’t let the baggage keep you from doing what needs to be done.
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