The Importance Of Defining Your Personal Culture
“I’m realizing that when I intentionally design my days, I’m a better leader,” said an executive I am working with on our first call of 2021. She had discovered one of the tenets of achieving real cultural change: effective and sustained cultural change starts and ends with a leader’s own personal culture.
What is a healthy personal culture? It’s similar to a healthy organizational culture: behaviors, practices, and processes aligned with values.
I have devoted my career to studying, implementing, and improving organizational systems and cultures. I’ve assessed that the healthiest cultures are born from thoughtfully articulated and actionable values, which are then infused into the culture. For values to be more than lip service, they must be expressed and observable in the behaviors, practices, and processes across the organization.
To the leaders with whom I’ve worked and coached, I’ve been advocating values-aligned behaviors, practices, and processes for years. They cannot accomplish their goals without also creating a personal culture. I define personal culture as the system we create—defining our own values, behaviors, practices, and processes. We design our personal culture to radically prioritize and integrate what’s important to us, personally and professionally. For years, I’ve been designing, testing and practicing individual methodologies to help me become a better leader, partner, athlete, sister, aunt, colleague and human. Some of my favorites are: GTD by David Allen, James Clear on habits, meditation resources by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and my recent focus on sleep with resources from Matthew Walker’s book “Why We Sleep” and wearing the Oura ring at night to track my REM and deep sleep.
It wasn’t until I stopped focusing on what was important to me that I saw the clear connection between one’s personal culture and an organizational culture. When one breaks down, the other inevitably will.
When I worked at WeWork, I let the behaviors, practices, and processes that helped me be an effective leader and human get consumed by company cultural behaviors, practices, and processes. I stopped meditating and going to the gym regularly. I gave in to the organization-wide practice of meeting times constantly being moved and didn’t push back when people put meetings on my calendar where I had team meetings or important appointments. I was in good company with other leaders who also got off track with their personal behaviors, practices, and processes they’d implemented throughout their careers. As more of us let our personal cultures crack, the less we could withstand the cracks in the organizational culture from widening and eventually consuming us all. And, well, we know what happened after that.
WeWork is a unique case. But it taught me something invaluable: when it comes to creating and embodying an organizational culture, leaders are only as effective and strong as their own personal cultures. The two are linked and feed off of each other, for better or worse.
While some of us had already worked in organizations where this truth made itself known, 2020 made sure we all knew it. Due to the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and the urgent need to address systemic racism, the personal came to work and the professional went into our homes. If we didn’t believe it before, I hope we all do now: leaders, we must tend to designing our own healthy personal cultures if we are to design and build healthy organizational cultures.
Just as an organizational culture informs what a company works on and how employees accomplish it, personal cultures inform how we prioritize our days and achieve our goals. They give shape to how we make decisions and our overall leadership style. They force a conscientiousness of our own behaviors. They ensure we remain vigilant to both our personal values and the company’s values. And as leaders, they ensure that we are embodying organizational values and protect us from inadvertently eroding the very culture of which we are expected to be stewards.
Today, all of my culture and leadership coaching includes helping leaders address their own personal values from which behaviors, practices, and processes stem. Together, my clients and I are striving to create personal cultures that optimize their time and energy, such that they are prepared to harness potential in the good times and embody empathy and calm in the challenging times—while always protecting and sustaining a healthy organizational culture.
Once leaders have articulated a personal culture, we figure out how to design and integrate those into their days. Here, I’ll share examples of how my clients and I weave our personal cultures into our days and weeks.
Practice: Monday Morning Videos
Since working from home, Lynee Luque, VP of People and Places at NerdWallet, has a practice of identifying her three priorities for the week. One of her core personal values is connection. Every Monday morning, she creates a three-minute video to articulate the priorities and shares it with her team. She feels more connected to the team, and they have shared that they feel more connected to her as well.
Process: Friday Weekly Reviews
The weekly self-review is a core part of the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology created by productivity consultant David Allen. One of my core values is learning. A key part of my weekly self-review is asking myself what I learned over the past week along with acknowledging accomplishments and identifying challenges. If you put only one process in place each week, make it this one. A weekly self-review is more important than having the perfect annual review and quarterly objectives because those objectives will evolve and change many times before the end of each quarter. The only way to stay one step ahead of those changes is to do the weekly self-review.
Quick tip: If you do this with your team synchronously, it’s a great way to stay connected and accountable as a team. If you are working solo and also want accountability and community (or want a different one from the team you already work with every day), I highly recommend Caveday. It’s a facilitated global community of people who want to do deep work in a supportive environment. You can sign up for “Cave days” throughout the week, but a popular time seems to be those Fridays where a lot of weekly self-reviews are being done.
Process: Daily Delegation
One of my clients struggled with delegating; instead of empowering her team to take on new work, she kept too much of it to herself. Her team told her that they felt she was hurting productivity and their potential by not delegating key projects to them. While this was challenging feedback, I reminded her that one of her values was openness. This reminder, coupled with the fact that the company’s declining revenue was demanding nearly all of her attention, were positive forcing functions to make changes. She designed a new team process around delegation. Before delegating anything, she got very clear about the outcome of the project, key milestones, decisions that needed to be made, and who the ultimate decision-maker was. Her team of remote employees all over the world appreciated the opportunities to take on new and exciting projects and the clarity with which she handed over the projects. In being open to a new delegation process, she created greater opportunities and unlocked productivity for everyone on the team.
External events have both forced us and given us the opportunity to redefine how we operate and work as organizations and leaders. Let’s not squander this opportunity to keep improving our personal cultures while also improving our organizational ones.