Wellness box, healthy gift idea for Valentine’s Day
HOUSTON – If you’d like to get creative and make your own wellness box for a Valentine’s Day gift, we caught up with Michelle Harris, host of Alive and Well TV for some fun ideas.
“It’s so easy and right now, we all are into self-care. So this is a great way to incorporate love for Valentine’s Day and some self-care can make everyone feel really special. It’s super easy to do and you can customize it. I started with a beautiful hat box, so you want to kick it off with something that’s going to say, wow! Get that wow factor and at the same time, you can keep it after Valentine’s Day, you can use it as storage, it can be decorative, but it’s a reminder of your wonderful Valentine’s Day from that special someone,” she says.
She also found a large cursive and wooden “Love” sign that could be found in a craft store. She also suggests healthy snacks.
“Valentine’s isn’t complete without chocolate. Chocolate can actually be good for us if it doesn’t have a lot of sugar, and we only eat a little bit of it, so I made my own chocolate hearts, just by melting chocolate and using a cookie cutter. And this is all dairy-free chocolate and chocolate high in antioxidants, but what I really did to give it a little added wellness kick is I added some black elderberry gummies and to support a healthy immune system. So you’re making it even more healthy for your chocolate treat but at the same time, it tastes good. Then I added some colorful sparkly sugar, just right on the top, so it gives a little bit of glow and makes it special for Valentine’s Day, and just put that right there in your wellness box,” states Michelle.
While flowers are also super popular on Valentine’s Day, Michelle takes it to a new level.
“I’m excited to do something different with the flowers and this is from Mama Wunderbar, and these are sage sticks and they actually arrive with fresh flowers on them, so if you get them for Valentine’s Day, they will smell amazing, beautiful fresh flowers, but these have dried. And what happens after they’re dry is the sage smells wonderful and of course the flowers we have lavender, we have rose. All of these things when you burn them with the sage stick, they’re all relaxing, so you’re getting a great really pretty Valentine’s Day present that you’re going to use later when you burn it, and it helps not only to relax you but to get a better night’s sleep, so it’s incorporating the wellness, and the flowers, this is definitely one of my favorite new things,” states Michelle.
Her next idea is a healthy Valentine’s Day champagne toast.
“This is, again, a fresh take of a traditional champagne. This is an alcohol-free champagne, so you can have champagne mimosas, you can drink as much as you want, without worrying about if you’re getting the after-effects, but also it’s half the calories, so you don’t have to worry about the calories that you get in a regular champagne toast,” smiles Michelle.
She also suggests putting spa elements in your wellness box.
“Just a really nice loofah, an eye mask that’s really soft and fuzzy, you can buy these right at the regular drugstore and it’s giving that spa vibe again more with the self-care. I even have some lavender aromatherapy spray, so that way you’re getting spa home healthy beverages and a nice treat, everything in one box, and it doesn’t have to break the bank,” states Michelle.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!