September 7, 2024


Health's Like Heaven.

Here’s What to Do When You Lose Your Appetite

5 min read

Ah, food: It fuels the body, giving it the energy it needs to survive. It provides nourishment, helping you stay strong. Food builds muscle and ensures the organs of your bodywork. But what happens when you’re having a hard time getting food down at all? Is a loss of appetite really cause for concern? Maybe. According to Jolene Caufield, senior advisor at Healthy Howard, a nonprofit advocating for healthy lifestyle choices, long-term appetite loss can be problematic.

“Long-term appetite loss can be a symptom of a more serious psychological or medical condition, like anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, metabolic problems, stress, dementia, anxiety, or even pregnancy,” Caufield says. “During the pandemic, it may also be a symptom of COVID-19, and psychological conditions can affect your desire to eat in different ways …  poor mental health, stress, and anxiety can either lead to appetite loss or uncontrollable cravings for unhealthy food.”

So what can you do if you find yourself struggling to eat? Here’s everything you need to know about appetite loss and what you can do to counteract the effects.

What causes loss of appetite?

Numerous factors can cause appetite loss, including a wide range of medications, illnesses, and medical conditions. Some of the most common causes are physiological, i.e. hormonal and metabolic issues, hepatitis, food intolerances, digestive issues, chronic liver disease, COPD, and HIV can all affect your ability to eat. However, stress and psychological conditions may also play a role.

Bacteria and viruses

Several viral, bacterial, and fungal infections can cause one to lose their appetite, including:

  • respiratory infections
  • pneumonia
  • meningitis
  • colitis
  • gastroenteritis

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A loss of appetite is a common side effect of many medications, along with other digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea. Medications and treatments that often cause a loss of appetite include:

  • sedatives
  • certain antibiotics
  • steroids
  • painkillers
  • immunotherapy
  • chemotherapy
  • radiation therapy

Medical conditions

The following medical conditions may cause your appetite to decrease:

  • liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • kidney failure
  • heart failure
  • hepatitis
  • HIV
  • hypothyroidism
  • dementia
  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • pregnancy

Cancer is also a major appetite suppressant, particularly cancers of the colon, stomach, ovaries, and pancreas.

Psychological conditions

Several mental health conditions can (and do) affect your ability to eat, including:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • grief
  • stress
  • substance use
  • eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa

It’s important to note that psychological stressors have different effects on different people. “Some overeat while others ignore any hunger they feel,” Dr. Lizz Kinyua, MD, a licensed physician, tells Parade. “Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, social phobia, schizophrenia, and some personality disorders are associated with reduced appetite and weight gain.” 

What to do when you don’t have an appetite

Pinpointing the cause of appetite loss is important, but it’s only half the battle. Knowing (and being able) to take in nutrients is essential to your physical, mental and emotional health. However, treatment will be dependent on the cause. 

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“The best way to address your lack of appetite is to get a diagnosis,” Caufield says. “Once you have identified the cause, you can proceed and get proper treatment for your symptoms. If your lack of appetite stems from a medical or psychological condition, for example, it is important to treat the issue at hand. This (in turn) will improve your appetite.” In short, the first thing you should do is see a doctor.

Once you’ve gotten a diagnosis and/or ruled out other conditions, you  may want to try the following tips and tricks:

Eat small but frequent meals

“One way to bring back your appetite back, and in a healthy manner, is to eat light meals at different times of day,” Caufield says. “This will help fuel your body and adjust your stomach to eating again.” Plus, the notion of eating three, square meals can be daunting if you don’t have an appetite. It is best to start small.

Ingest foods you like

Speaking of starting small, while healthful eating is important, sometimes you need comforting meals, or foods that soothe the soul. If your appetite is decreased, Kinyua suggests eating foods you like, as these items will fill your stomach and bring you delight.

Ensure your meals are nutrient-dense

If you aren’t eating frequently (or a lot), you can get the most bang for your proverbial buck by eating nutrient-dense foods. “Eating small, frequent meals and healthy, calorie-dense snacks can improve your overall health,” Kinyua tells Parade.

Not sure where to start? Try blueberries, kale chips, hard-boiled (or scrambled) eggs and nuts. You can also add nutrient-dense foods to comfort foods. Try, for example, a vegetable pizza instead of a plain cheese pie.

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Did you know physical activity can increase your appetite? It’s true. Working out can stimulate hunger. However, be careful not to overdo it, especially if your body is nutrient-deprived. Pushing your body too far, too fast can have detrimental effects. 

Keep a food diary

Keeping a food diary can help you track your meals and ensure you are consuming enough calories throughout the day. It will also help you better understand your body’s hunger cues.” Maintaining a food diary will help your doctor better understand your progress,” nutritionist Vasundhara Agrawal tells Parade. “And this will help them determine a treatment plan.”

Take supplements, as needed

Since vitamin deficiencies can cause appetite loss, including any of the following supplements in your diet can improve your overall health: zinc, fish oil, thiamine, and echinacea. However, you should talk to your doctor before adding any supplements to your health and wellness plan.

Next up: 30 Natural Appetite Suppressants to Help You Feel Full


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